sound creators - the people who create and compose the harmony of life.

film creators - the people behind the camera who capture the world's beauty.

ran gerson
ran gerson
ran gerson
professional musician and music producer researching and handling frequencies
may topaz
may topaz
may topaz
"within the vibration of sound, one might find the presence  of the great mystery"
sahar hai ahava
sahar hai ahava
sahar hai ahava
all creation has healing abilities we just need to search and try until we find
noa sharvit
noa sharvit
noa sharvit
my name is Noa, I'm an artist, and my creation is observing beauty in its eyes.
liav bitan
liav bitan
liav bitan
I'm a storyteller, and sound is my pen
michael greilsammer
michael greilsammer
michael greilsammer
international violinist and singer.
fede nuchowich
fede nuchowich
fede nuchowich
there is more than meets the eyes
jai gal or
jai gal or
jai gal or
"sees clearly in the dark, walks gracefully on earth."
Shmir Elbaz
Shmir Elbaz
Shmir Elbaz
"To film as if i am a quiet listener to a gentle sound"
Shiran Antebi
Shiran Antebi
Shiran Antebi
film & sound
to live is to love